Picture of the Day for 07-15-2004
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Here is Toby with the flux capacitor on his head. It's suppose to measure smartness. I think he's a little freaked out by how the dials are at max readings
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Peaches Too cute! BTW, our little girl was born 6/28. Her name is Natalie Marie, 6 lbs, 6 ozs, 18 in, 4:54 pm. I emailed you a pic. Jul 15th 2004 08:24:25 AM
kimberly welcome to the world natalie!!! congrats peaches!!! Jul 15th 2004 08:37:52 AM
Aunty beth "They can read my thoughts....oh no...now they know my secret plans to take over the world!!!" Jul 15th 2004 09:18:00 AM
Bubby Lani Too hilarious! He must love Back to the Future, just like all us other Abbott/Wines Jul 15th 2004 02:52:01 PM