Picture of the Day for 07-30-2004
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Here is the Tobinator serenading us on the piano. Quite the musical genius.
User Comment Entry Date
Admin Ok, I did something really silly today. I was brushing my teeth and I half coughed in the middle of it and got some toothpaste stuck in my throat. Everytime I try to gurgle it out, it foams up. Jul 30th 2004 07:56:59 AM
camdog You did something silly today? No... Jul 30th 2004 12:49:41 PM
momma hansen just musical? (genius-wise), No, I think he's more a Renaiisance Man Jul 30th 2004 05:24:52 PM
Bubby Lani He really got the hang of it, in a few minutes and was banging away at the keys. I was impressed. Very funny! Jul 30th 2004 05:29:02 PM
bubbymarg Good start on the first piano his Bubby Lani began studying Aug 1st 2004 01:01:20 PM