Picture of the Day for 08-13-2004
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POD forum poll: Who do you think is cuter? Uncle Dak? or Oooober Toby? Right now, I think it's a toss-up.
User Comment Entry Date
Calvinator How about a double chin contest instead? I think Dak wins but it could be just the camera angle. Aug 13th 2004 12:57:29 PM
Albert Just think, one day Toby might have a nose like that! Aug 13th 2004 03:38:32 PM
bubbymarg That is a wonderful picture of both Richard and his great nephew Toby. Both look great. Aug 13th 2004 07:58:24 PM
Cousin Marcia I think this a wonderful picture of both the boys. Richard you look great, but Toby you win hands down. Aug 13th 2004 10:27:27 PM
Bubby Lani Well, I waited to respond to this until the other comments were in, Dak, you look like a natural! Aug 14th 2004 08:23:34 AM