Picture of the Day for 08-26-2003
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I look at the blue ribbon pig and think how much bacon it would supply to a breakfast buffet.
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anne Meanie!! He/She is CUTE!! Aug 26th 2003 04:01:29 PM
Ken Ludwig this is actually one of the "Michigan Relatives" sleeping off the effects of the wedding... Aug 26th 2003 07:01:33 PM
Ryan It's Zuckerman's famous pig!!! Aug 27th 2003 07:41:17 PM
Nathan He reminds me of Elvis. Curled Lip, Fat, Dead and laying in his own shit. He's just missing the white jump suit! Aug 29th 2003 10:19:14 AM
Glenn Excellent observation, Nathan. Don't forget the obvious "pork chops." Sep 2nd 2003 12:12:16 PM