Picture of the Day for 08-27-2004
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Ok, we've made it to the Iowa photos of our trip. Some people call her Momma Hansen, some people call her Grandma, but here she is laughing at the ooooooober cute Toby.
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Auntie Di It doesn't matter what you call her, she loves that grandbaby. Aug 27th 2004 07:00:05 AM
kimberly i just call her mom, and we miss her. hi mom! Aug 27th 2004 03:45:51 PM
momma h what's not to love? He's simply amazing.Am I right?--BubbyLani, AbuenoCal, GrampsSteve? Aug 28th 2004 11:22:12 AM
kimberly no. es abuelo cal. Aug 28th 2004 07:26:24 PM
mh pardon, senor abuelo Cal Aug 30th 2004 06:34:08 PM
bubbymarg That is what you really call loving the grandchild. Sep 21st 2004 06:27:13 PM