Picture of the Day for 08-04-2003
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It is great to paint a room when you know you are getting new carpet in a couple of weeks. I accidently put so much paint on the floor that I decided to sign my masterpiece.
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Ryan Who is Aarin? Aug 4th 2003 02:17:08 PM
Chad Make sure you take the faceplates off the plugs before you start painting, especially that one on the right. Aug 4th 2003 03:34:16 PM
gpa steve You paint like your mother-in-law! Aug 4th 2003 07:04:58 PM
Admin O's are hard to paint when you are laughing really hard. Maybe there should be a class. I would take classes from Momma Hansen, but then I would have to paint my belly button. Aug 5th 2003 06:57:03 AM
the clean-up crew i cannot defend his mess, but the outlets were a problem since the previous painter didn't remove them and thus they are stuck to the wall or would peel off chunks of the wall if removed. Aug 5th 2003 11:53:22 PM
Razor Ramon Razor blade! Aug 6th 2003 09:36:18 AM
Admin See, that's what I thought. I knew you could use a razor blade to clean up any mistakes. Aug 7th 2003 09:11:14 AM