Picture of the Day for 09-13-2004
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It's time for another birthday so today's POD is me and my new best friend checking something out on the ceiling. I've had a rough weekend as I caught some nasty stomach virus so there will be no more birthday partying, but today is still a good day because it is my birthday.
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Aunty Beth HAPPY BIRTHDAY AARON!!!!!! Love Toby's shirt!!!! Sep 13th 2004 07:38:38 AM
kimberly happy bday sweetie!! you are great and i'm glad toby looks up to you!! Sep 13th 2004 07:52:15 AM
Auntie Di Happy birthday big guy. Hope you have a fun day, but then you make them all fun day's. Sep 13th 2004 08:13:17 AM
Love, Mom Happy Birthday to MY little boy. You are a great dad! Sep 13th 2004 08:34:52 AM
Rene Hibbard (Franklin) Happy Birthday, Aaron! Cute picture of the day! Sep 13th 2004 01:17:25 PM
Jennifer Bland I didn't know it was your birthday. I was just thinking about you and Kim and the little guy! Have a great birthday!! Sep 13th 2004 02:30:14 PM
Admin Thank you to all you well wishers. It's great to hear from some of the people from the past. I'm glad you still sometimes lurk around here. Sep 13th 2004 04:32:14 PM
Stef, Jeff, and Nicholas Happy Birthday Aaron!! Sorry you were sick this weekend but I here Lions won so yay!! Toby's so cute!! Sep 13th 2004 08:32:22 PM
Abuelo A pair of trays. Double down if the dealer has a 5 or 6 showing. It is a good bet you are having a Happy 33rd. Ouch, that hurts to see it in print Sep 13th 2004 09:14:36 PM
JWine You are the essence of the awesome. Sep 14th 2004 11:25:12 AM
Admin Wow, it's been a while since a double digit comment page. And on my birthday too. how nice. Sep 14th 2004 03:28:34 PM
Peaches Toby has your ears Aaron! Hope you had a happy birthday. Sep 16th 2004 10:09:38 AM
bubbymarg What is so astonishing up there? Sep 21st 2004 06:20:07 PM