Picture of the Day for 09-19-2003
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I took this photo of Kimberly and myself. I'm the one who hasn't shaved in a few days. Kimberly is the blond one.
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Glenn What is Anne's awesome news? Who is Anne anyway? Do I know you, Anne? I bet someone is expecting a baby (or a puppy) or someone just got something nice or someone just had something not nice removed. Sep 23rd 2003 12:10:48 PM
Admin Anne is the one who took that awesome bottle rocket photo. And yes, you are very intuitive on your statement that somebody got knocked up. Sep 23rd 2003 11:18:26 PM
JWine Duh, Kimberly being pregnant is so last Spring. Sep 24th 2003 12:34:35 PM
Anne I am glad you told us! I was way confused! We all need to get together, it has been far too long! 203-5072 is my cell, Ryan's 203-5073. Call call call! :o) We have AWESOME news for you two. Sep 19th 2003 08:53:44 AM
kimberly i'm the one with 2 chins. yikes! Sep 19th 2003 11:31:45 AM