Picture of the Day for 09-07-2004
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Here is the Tobinator meeting Great Auntie Diane. We call her great because she makes us delicious food and is a great person, not becuase she is a generation gap from Toby.
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kimberly she is great!!!! Sep 7th 2004 07:57:58 AM
Auntie Di I'm blushing. What a great photo of Toby!! Sep 7th 2004 10:23:03 AM
Lani Abbott Toby looks great because he's happy he's playing with Auntie Diane. Sep 7th 2004 12:20:48 PM
kimberly he looks like he's thinking, "no fair, i have to eat baby food while you guys have breakfast tacos!" Sep 7th 2004 02:11:10 PM
Bubbymarg Boy, am I meeting new people, and they all want to hold me. Sep 7th 2004 08:43:55 PM
Bubbymarg It has been so much fun meeting all these people. Sep 21st 2004 06:23:54 PM